In the community, working for the community.
Our belief is that we all have an opportunity to make a difference in our communities and touch the lives of others.
We believe in taking the time to serve others and utilize a portion of our resources to help make Pensacola the best community on the Gulf Coast.
We are blessed to live in a graciously generous Southern City, and in recent years we made commitments of time and financial resources to the following causes:
Pensacola Symphony Orchestra
Pensacola Humane Society
Favour House
Pensacola Blue Wahoos
Children's Home Society
Tri Gulf Coast
Ronald McDonald House
Gulf Breeze Project Graduation
Convenant Hospice
Gulf Breeze Rotary Club
Santa Rosa Education Foundation
PACE Center for Girls
Impact 100
Gulf Breeze City Council
Miraflores Garden Club
The Institute for Women in Politics of Northwest Florida